The elegant shop window of Via Vittoria Colonna n. 41, headquarters of Regina Art & Curiosity, represents a unique attraction where you can find ancient and rare engravings, ancient, rare and modern books; modern prints; vintage and modern posters and posters; antique watercolors and gouaches; ancient and modern paintings; original and refined articles and gift ideas; antiques and modern objects and curiosities; exclusive handcrafted creations; fine art editions.


Modern Art Prints

Carefully selected modern art prints. Original certified editions in limited edition. 

Art objects

Precious signature sculptures and furnishing objects of exquisite craftsmanship. 

Antique Art Prints

An important selection of paintings, gouaches and original vintage engravings. 

  • Modern art prints

    Carefully selected modern art prints. Original certified editions in limited edition.

  • Antique art prints

    An important selection of paintings, gouaches and original vintage engravings.

  • Art objects

    Precious signature sculptures and furnishing objects of exquisite craftsmanship.